Friday, September 3, 2010

All Laundered Out!

So, as you know the mitrofinoff has had issues since we left the hospital. Well, since that's the one going to the bladder, it's been a TON of fun dealing with it! We've tried everything we could possibly think of to fix it, even temporarily, but NOTHING worked. Our last attempt was a couple of days before school started and lasted all of about two weeks. So, we have come to the unpleasant realization that the one surgery we have tried to avoid like the plague is the only option we have left.

So, we are scheduled to be at the hospital on September 19th and the surgery is scheduled for the 21st. That scheduling works awesomely in the sense that the kids are off of school for that week, so my mom can watch my other two while we are at the hospital. It's sucks on the other hand, since it means that we have another 16 days of dealing with him peeing EVERYWHERE! You see, he no longer pees out of his penis where is diaper is. NO, No, no, he pees out of his belly, where a diaper can only cover so much. We have to "wrap" a diaper around his belly, and the reason I put that in quotation marks is because of the fact that the diaper doesn't really make it all the way around, which means that it doesn't anchor. So, it keeps sliding below his mitrofinoff allowing all of the urine to go out onto his clothes. Then, since he sleeps on his belly, we sleep in a pool of urine every night, b/c Richard and I can only do so much!

It's frustrating, b/c we may not be the cleanest people, but doggonit! we aren't that bad! It's so gross and we can only bathe him SO much!!! And as if that wasn't enough, he is now getting a rash on his belly where the skin is breaking down from all of the moisture! We've tried diaper rash ointment, aquaphor, powder, everything! And NOTHING works! Why? B/c it's on his BELLY! Nothing will stay on there when he's crawling all over the place and the diaper won't stay in place either!

It's so hard to see all of this going on and not be able to do anything about it. The doctor wants to dedicate an entire day of surgery to Isaiah and that makes it even harder for us to get the date pushed up.

There are so many times that I completely understand why someone would give their special needs child up for adoption or to the government to care for. On the same token, though, I don't get how anyone could go through with it, you know? I mean, it would definitely be easier, but there is NOTHING I would give Isaiah up for! Even with all of the drama, he's one of the most AMAZING people I have EVER had the opportunity to know! He's had more surgeries than anyone I have ever met, yet he laughs so much, he hardly ever whines or complains, and he always has this peaceful attitude that is so contagious. I mean, when I can hang with him, no matter where we are, I can't help but be at peace when I see his calm, peaceful eyes. I also can't help but laugh at the situation when I hear him start cracking up over the most random things!

So, really, I thank God for the opportunity to care for this amazing little man and I wouldn't give it up for anything!