Thursday, October 20, 2011

AAAaaaaannnnnnnddddddd we're back!

Okay, so sadly I completely forgot I had even started this last year! But this morning I thought about it and tried to see if it was still up and here it is!!! Then, I got to thinking that I don't know some of the people following and they (and some of the people I haven't seen in a while) may be curious of what's been going on with my little man since the last time I posted. So, I'm gonna try to keep the communication lines open!

So, ummmmmm, last year one of my biggest prayers was that things would calm down by the end of the year with Isaiah, b/c we held him back from kindergarten one more year and I really wanted him not to be left hanging this year. I think I need to clarify that a little better! Well, we decided to keep him in pre-k last year, b/c he was in the hospital most of the time from January till the end of the school year. So, if we sent him to kindergarten (who looks at the progress from January till the end of the year!), they would have basically considered him a vegetable and left him in a corner. With that knowledge, I needed him to be out of the hospital from January to the end of the school year earlier this year. Well, finally on December 27th of last year, I received the news that he was okay. Then, in January, I had the appointments set up with his urologist and neurosurgeon and that's when I was told what was actually going on...

When I spoke to his urologist he told me what he really wanted to say, but didn't have time to at his last check up. He told me that Isaiah's MACE and mitrofinoff looked AMAZING! He said that he expected it to look fine, but he was amazed at how good it looked!!!! Then, when I took him in to see his neurosurgeon (who usually sees him right after a Cat-Scan, that we were planning on doing right after seeing him this time), he told us to take him home and leave him alone! He told me that he looked great and that he didn't think Isaiah needed to do anything else!!!!!!

So! Isaiah started Kindergarten this year and is being worked on and worked out!!! That, though was another interesting (at least to me) story...

Well, Isaiah had been in pre-k for three years. Same school, same teachers, same parapros, everything the same for THREE YEARS! On top of that, his Assistant Principal was in the marching band with me in high school! So, he loved all over Isaiah for THREE YEARS!!! On top of THAT, my daughter was going into his school this year for kindergarten!!!! Then, the bummer....Isaiah was moved to another school..........:o( I was so bummed that I actually cried about it a couple of times. They loved all over my little boy for three years and all of a sudden they were going to be replaced by someone that doesn't know Isaiah from a hole in the wall!!!

I felt bad for his new teachers. They had HUGE, AMAZING, BEDAZZLED shoes to fill!!!

I have to say that I am still not completely digging them. They are doing a great job, but they just aren't the same! And seeing that I am very pro "if it's not broke, don't fix it", it's REALLY hard for me to warm up to them! I'm usually okay with change, but this is NOT change that I like! Welp, I can't really do anything about it, since Isaiah has to go to a school that accommodates his special needs. So, I guess I'll suck it up and deal with it! LOL!!!

Well, there are more updates, but I will talk about those in the next coupla days.....