Tuesday, October 8, 2013

On the Move!

So, I haven't written in a while and suddenly I felt the urge, so.... here goes!

I think my last blog was over a year ago. I guess, I should give a little update. When I last wrote I was in Georgia and at the beginning of the year we moved out here to the calmer pace of Mississippi.

This journey started in November of last year....... *harps doing the bloobly thing* and we are driving home from our visit to Mississippi. My husand (Lee) and his brother (who is his only sibling) have wanted to move closer to each other ever since I've known them and finally, this last Thanksgiving, I felt comfortable with moving out here. So, we found a HUD home that fit everything we have ever wanted in a home! It's an actual ranch on THREE acres of land!!! AND IT'S ALL FLAT!!!!!!!! PLUS, it has a POND!!! Anyway, in order to get it, Lee had to move out here before the kids and I could. That meant, he had to leave his job, which was our security blanket and our access to insurance. Needless to say, those months were filled with a LOT of prayer and trust! What's funny, though, is the fact that God told me that this entire thing was going to be about trusting Him.

Well, trusting Him has been all I could do! Our house in Georgia was one that we had put on the market FOUR times, b/c of our need for a ranch. This being our fifth time had me stressed to no end. Long story short, we had a TON of showings, but no bites. Then, we finally got an investor that wanted us out in two weeks (oh, by this time we had FINALLY closed on our MS home), which was no problem to us! It was Easter weekend and his mother was kind enough to watch our children while his brother went with us to Georgia. We left at 6pm Friday and got back to Mississippi at about 8 or 9pm Saturday, so his brother would be back for Easter with his wife and baby. We were getting antsy for Friday, which was when we would be done with the house is Georgia!!! Thursday afternoon, though, shut all of that right down! I checked my email to find a termination letter regarding our Georgia home! WHAT?!?!?! I just got through sending paperwork for the closing in the morning!!! I frantically called our agents only to have them confirm that it was exactly what I thought, they were cancelling the closing. That next week, Lee and I stressed over what we were going to do. We finally decided to try to rent it out after a lot of tears and worry over the thought that we may have missed God. Then, the next week we got an offer for MORE than we were even asking! I was skeptical, but we did finally close and everyone was happy! At least in regards to that...

I got a chance to get the kids in school just in time for the last week of it. I was so excited to see where they would be and how they would like it. Well, I went to Isaiah's school. I like to drop in on them to see what they do with him and how he's liking it. What I saw broke my heart! I had never seen Isaiah so sad. He just looked so depressed. Unfortunately, it was the last week, so there wasn't much I was going to be able to do right then, but this year, we got things cleared up and have him in a better set up. BUT, between his new teachers freaking out over everything (which is understandable, since they don't really know him) and him actually getting sick with UTI's and now some kind of stomach bug, he's not even been in school an entire week and we are about 2 months into the school year! And that's been one of the toughest parts of this move: transferring him - and everything that goes with him - over here. I've had to take him to the hospital twice in a week and yesterday was his first day back. He finally stayed a whole day with no phone calls and then he threw up right before the bus got here this morning, which kept him home today. What stinks is that his mood has been all over the place today. I mean, even after throwing up, he was cracking up. Then, all afternoon he's been very whiny. We thought he may be backed up, so I gave him an enema only to find that he didn't have much to put out. He hasn't seemed lethargic and he has seemed lucid, so his shunt seems to still be functioning.... Then, after a visit with his pediatrician, I found out that he also has Cerebral Palsy, which may seem obvious or no big deal to some, but I had never heard of Spina Bifida before Isaiah, so to have CP added to the list hit me like a ton of bricks. Although, I do have to say I appreciated that doctor telling me as opposed to "putting it under the umbrella of Spina Bifida". The thought had never occurred to me that there could be something else going on, which explains why he can't speak and has less function on his left side. I don't know, as usual I am writing when I am exhausted, so I don't know if any of this makes any sense.

Some good things, though, are that we LOVE it out here!!! My mother-in-love actually offers to watch him! She actually offers to cath him!!! I can't believe it!!! I've never had anyone willing to help on that level with him! Plus, he is seen at LeBohnuer Children's Hospital, which happens to have some of the best doctor's in the nation! Our church, Cornerstone, actually has a special needs department! AND, the lady that headed up the Spina Bifida Clinic at LeBohnuer is over the children's church ministry at Cornerstone!!!! So, although it's been tough in some areas and scary in others, God has shown me time and again that I can trust Him. He's got us covered! Keep His kingdom first and ALL THESE THINGS will be added unto you!